Books on Massachusetts History
Arranged alphabetically by author.

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    The Charter Granted by Their Majesties King William And Queen Mary, To the Inhabitants Of The Province Of The Massachusetts Bay in New Endlgna.  Boston: Benjamin Eliot, 1726. First Edition. Very good in a contemporary, full leather binding with five raised bands on the spine with no dates or titles and with the boards decorated with blind embossing. The spine appears to be rebacked in a style comparable to the rough nature of the boards. A quarto of 11 1/2 by 7 3/8 inches with damage to the leather at the tips of the boards and scars, blemishes and small chips to the leather. The front paste down shows three brief notes from three early prior owners the second one of which notes the date of purchase (1752) from a John Hill, Esq. The title page has been professionally backed to protect numerous chips and has been signed by a more recent prior owner in the margins. This charter which was originally dated on May 14, 1692, included Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth Colony, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, the Province of Maine, and parts of what is now Nova Scotia. It is bound in with The Acts And Laws of His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. This volume is contained and protected within a fine, dark brown, cloth covered slip case. The Charter is printed in 13 pages which is followed by a two page "Explanatory Charter granted by His Majesty King George" which is followed by "The Table" (Index) of 17 pages. That is followed by "Acts and Laws, Of HIs Majesty's Province Of The Massachusetts Bay In New England printed in Boston in 1716 of 456 pages.
    TB32377  $7500.00

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    Bailyn, Bernard, and Lotte Bailyn:  Massachusetts Shipping 1697-1714 A Statistical Study.  Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University, (1959). First Edition, First Pringint. Fine in maroon cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine and the publisher's logo on the front board. A small quarto of 10 by 6 1/2 inches. In a very good+, unclipped dust jacket with wear and small closed tears to the upper edge of the spine area and the same to the upper fore corner of the front panel. 148 pages including an index, tables and text.
    TB32335  $35.00

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    Barber, John Warner:  Massachusetts Historical Collections, Being A General Collection of Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c., Relating To The History and Antiquities of Every Town in Massachusetts, With Geographical Descriptions.  Worcester, Mass.: Warren Lazell, 1844. Reprint of 1844. Good+ in its original binding of full leather covered boards with gilt decorations and gilt text on the spine. The edges of the text block are marbled. A small quarto of 9 by 5 1/2 inches with the leather worn through over the front and rear joints, the lower edges of the boards and the tips of the boards. There is an early prior owner's name written in ink at the upper edge of the title page. The contents are generally foxed on the margins and the fold-out hand-colored map is partially tanned it is in undamaged condition. 624 pages of text illustrated from 200 woodcut engravings and the hand-colored fold-out map. The first edition of this title was published by Dorr, Howland of Worcester in 1839. (Armstrong, Bibliographies of New England History, 103; Howes, B-123)
    TB31669  $175.00

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    Bradford, Alden:  History of Massachusetts For Two Hundred Years From The Year 1620 To 1820.  Boston: Hilliard, Gray, And Co., 1835. First Edition. Good+ in its original 1/4 cloth and light brown paper covered boards with a printed paper label on the spine. A small quarto of 9 1/2 by 5 5/8 inches with heavy rubbing to several areas of the cloth joints, but with the hinges tight and strong. The paper covered boards are marked with water stain spots and heavily rubbed at the tips. The end sheets show spots of foxing as do many of the pages throughout the text. Without a dust jacket and it is doubtful if it ever had one. 480 pages including an extensive appendix and text. The fold-out frontispiece map of Massachusetts is in very good condition with one two inch long closed tear professionally repaired with archival tape. There are no plates in this copy as called for in Howes. (Howes, B-697 Sabin, 7223);
    TB32535  $225.00

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    Bradford, William:  Bradford's History "Of Plimoth Plantation" From The Original Manuscript With A Report Of The Proceedings Incident To The Return Of The Manuscript To Massachusetts.  Boston: Secretary Of The Commonwealth, 1901. First Edition. Very good in its original, dark blue cloth covered boards with tarnished gilt text on the spine. A small quarto of 9 1/2 by 6 5/8 inches with the cloth worn through over the upper corners of the head of the spine and over the upper tips of the boards and rubbing to the heel of the spine and the lower tips of the boards. There is an early prior owner's name and date of "1903" on the first free end page. The first 52 pages have a faint dampness stain in the lower margins. The contents are othewised clean, tight and without prior ownership markings. 555 pages including an index, appendices and text. Illustrated with an image of the original manuscript from a black and white photograph and eight plates two of which are facsimiles of pages from the manuscript.
    TB32555  $125.00

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    Brooks, Van Wyck:  The Flowering Of New England.  Boston: The Limited Editions Club, 1941. Limited Edition. Near fine in heavily embossed with oak leaves on dark green cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. A small quarto of 10 by 7 inches with the top edge of the text block stained a dark red. Without a dust jacket as issued, but the book is contained in a good+, black, paper covered slipcase with a paper label on its spine. One of only 1,500 copies numbered and signed by the illustrator. This copy is out of series as it lacks a number, but it is signed by Ray J. Holden and marked "Printer's Copy" at the lower margin of the limitation page. 468 pages including an index and illustrated throughout with drawings by R. J. Holden. Originally published in 1936 this title won the Pulitzer Prize in history in 1937. It is one of the few which has been continually republished since.
    TB32238  $150.00

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    Chamberlain, Samuel:  Historic Boston In Four Seasons.  New York: Hastings House, (1940). First Edition, Possible second Printing. Fine in blue and red paper covered boards with red text on the white spine and white text on the red front board. A 12mo measuring 7 1/4" by 6" with photographic end sheets. In a very good, unclipped dust jacket with a 1/4" deep "V" shaped chip at the upper edge of the front panel and a 1 1/2" long closed tear on the front panel and soiling to the rear panel. 73 pages of text and black and white photographic images. A photographic study of old Boston, Massachusetts and the fourth volume published in the American Landmarks series. A tight and clean copy of an uncommon first edition in a worthy dust jacket. (Fitzgerald, Series Americana, AL1)
    TB25641  $50.00

  • Chamberlain, Barbara Blau:  These Fragile Outposts.  Garden City: The Natural Hist. Pr, 1964. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in 1/4 black cloth and light green cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. An octavo measuring 9" by 5". In a near fine, price clipped dust jacket with the spine ends rubbed and lightly worn. 327 pages including an index. A geological examination of Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Quite scarce in collectable first edition.
    TB03531  $20.00

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    Chamberlain, Samuel:  Nantucket A Photographic Sketchbook.  New York: Hastings House, (1955). First Edition. Very good in 1/4 orange cloth and decorated paper covered boards with black type on the spine. A small quarto measuring 9 1/4 by 7 inches with the light circular stain of a glass on the front board and rubbing to the heel of the spine. Without a dust jacket. 72 pages of black and white photographs.
    TB28647  $10.00

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    Davis, Geroge:  A Historical Sketch Of Sturbridge And Southbridge.  West Brookfield, Mass.: Self-Published, 1856. First Edition, First printing. Fine in a recent 1/2 brown leather binding with dark green cloth covered boards with a gilt on green title block on the spine and decorative rules with marbled end sheets. A small quarto measuring 9 1/2" by 5 1/2". The contents are generally clean with the exception of the title page and the last page of text which are both well worn and creased. The first page of the introduction is stamped "Forbes Library | Northampton, Mass." with a small "withdrawn" stamp in red on the first page of the text. 233 pages of text. Laid-in at the rear of the book are two extra spine labels. (Sabin, 18820; Mass: A Bibliography, 2730)
    TB24247  $200.00

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    Gambee, Robert:  Nantucket Island.  New York: Hastings House, 1973. . Very good+ in stiff, heavy printed paper wraps over an adhesive binding. A small quarto measuring 10 1/2" by 9" with a prior owner's address label on the first free end page and with light soiling to the panels with slight curling at the corners. Without a dust jacket as issued. Signed by the author on the first free end page. 176 pages of text and black and white photographic plates.
    TB23834  $10.00

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    Gifford, S. N. [Stephen N.], and Wm. S. Robinson:  Commonwealth of Massachusetts manual For The Use Of The General Court Containing The Rules And Orders Of The Two Branches.  Boston: Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1867. First Edition. Very good in 3/4 leather (calf) and marbled paper covered boards with a black title label with gilt text on the spine. A 16mo measuring 6 1/2 by 4 1/4 inches with light wear and rubbing to the leather at the joints and to the tips of the boards. A presentation copy given to Hon. J. E. Field "With regards of" the author 'S. N. Gifford" as written on the first free end page. 277 pages of text and illustrated with two, double page floor plans of the Massachusetts Senate Chamber and House of Representatives. The text contains both the Constitution Of The United States as well as the Constitution of Massachusetts. S. N. Gifford was the clerk for the Massachusetts Senate and Jonathan Edwards Field was an attorney from Stockbridge who was elected to the Massachusetts Senate in 1854 and at one point, during his political career he served as President of the Senate.
    TB28946  $60.00

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    Ketchum, Richard M.:  Decisive Day The Battle for Bunker Hill.  Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1974. Book of the Month Club Printing. Very near fine in textured, red cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. An octavo measuring 8 1/8" by 5 1/2" with crimping of the cloth at the heel of the spine and with light rubbing over the same. In a very good+ dust jacket with the "Book Club Edition" slug at the lower corner of the front flap and with two very short, inconsequential, closed tears at the upper edge of the spine area. 282 pages including an index, bibliography, chapter notes and text. Illustrated with maps and photographic reproductions of contemporary works of art. This revised edition add a new forward and is "an expanded and fully illustrated edition of The Battle For Bunker Hill". The original, first edition was published by American Heritage in 1962.
    TB23462  $15.00

  • King, Clarence:  The Half-Share Man Peter Folger of Nantucket Grandfather of Benjamin Franklin.  Nantucket, Mass.: Poets Corner Press and Nantucket Historical Trust, (1972). First Edition. Very good+ in red cloth covered boards with black text on the front board. An octavo of 9 by 5 7/8 inches with the front hinge broken, but professionally repaired with Japanese tissue. Without a dust jacket and perhaps as issued. 135 pages of text including an index. An historical novel.
    TB33252  $25.00

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    Lodge, Jno [John]:  An Accurate Map of Rhode Island, Part of Connecticut and Massachusets Shewing Admiral Arbuthnot's Station in Blocking up Admiral Ternay.  London: J. Bew, 1780. First Edition. Very good+ and uniformly tanned mounted on a thin, cardboard stock measuring 11 11/16 by 15 3/4 inches (edge to edge). This map shows the eastern half of Connecticut, the Rhode Island coast as far north as many miles north of Providence, the southeastern portion of Massachusetts including Buzzards Bay and western Marthas Vinebyard and the eastern end of Long Island. According to Thompson's Maps of Connecticut Before The Year 1800, the latitude coordinates are correct, but the longitude coordinate is in error as it would place Connecticut in the mid-Atlantic, an error which appears to come from an earlier British map of the same yea.r This is a map taken from the London publication of The Political Magazine issue of November 30, 1780. Many of the place names, towns and cities are in error from current names. This map illustrates the area of eastern Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound which was blockaded by British Admiral Mariot Arbuthnot to contain part of the French Fleet in Newport which was under the command of Admiral Louis d'Arsac de Ternay. (Thompson, #30 p.43)
    TB31619  $350.00

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    Macy, Obed:  The History Of Nantucket; Being A Compendious Account Of The First Settlement Of The Island By The English.  Boston: Hilliard, Gray And Co., 1835. First Edition. Very good+ in its near original blue-green, blind embossed cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine A 12mo measuring 7 1/4 by 4 1/2 inches with the unfortunate fact that the spine has been stamped up-side-down with gilt text. The cloth over the lower tips of the boards and one small spot on the heel of the spine is worn through. tips of the boards and in a few places on The contents are quite clean and free of foxing; however the end sheets do show mild foxing. 300 pages of text followed by 8 pages of ads by the publisher. Illustrated with a frontispiece map (with spots of foxing) of the Island and one plate from an engraving. Wright Howes considers this title "mildly rare". (Howes, M-195; Sabin, 43687)
    TB32532  $550.00

  • McAdam, Roger Williams:  Priscilla of Fall River.  New York: Stephen Daye Press, 1956. Revised Edition. Near fine in light blue cloth covered boards with black text on the spine and with map end sheets. A small quarto measuring 9 1/4" by 6" In a very good unclipped dust jacket with a 1/4" deep chip from the lower corner of the spine area and with several short closed tears to the edges of the panels. 224 pages including an index, bibliography and text. Illustrated throughout with black and white photographs.
    TB23854  $18.00

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    Morison, Samuel Eliot:  The Maritime History of Massachusetts 1783-1860.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, c 1921 & c1941. First Edition, First printing. Very good- in blue cloth covered boards with dark blue text on the spine and decorations on the front board and with illustrated end sheets. A small quarto of 9 by 6 inches with the cloth at the head and heel of the spine rubbed and worn through and with the name of its prior owner written in ink at the upper corner of the first free end page and with what appears to be a narrow strip of white paint at the heel of the spine and at the lower edge of the boards. Without its issued dust jacket. 421 pages including an index, bibliography, supplement of letters, text and illustrated with reproductions of period art works. Robert G. Albion in his Naval & Maritime History an Annotated Bibliography considers this work: "One of the classics of maritime literature, combining original approach, sound scholarship, and delightful style. Its topical arrangement covers various aspects ashore as well as the different spheres of distant activity." (Albion, p137)
    TB30969  $40.00

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    Perry, Arthur Latham:  Origins In Williamstown.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1894. First Edition. Good+ in its original black cloth covered beveled boards with gilt text on the spine. A small quarto of 9 1/4 by 6 inches with the cloth at the head and heel of the spine heavily worn and with the cloth over the tips of the boards worn and rubbed. Adhesive tape has been used to hold the first and second free end pages into the text block and the title page has lost at least half of its attachment to the text block. Small, penciled check marks appear in the margins throughout the text. Attached to the first free end page is a small 2 by 4 1/2 inch slip of paper which reads: "Arthur Robinson | from his old teacher | Arthur Latham Perry". which is the signature of the author who was a professor of history and economics at Williams College from 1853 to 1891. 631 pages including an index and text. Eleven illustrations from engravings, photographs and silhouettes. According to Ronald Gephart's bibliography Revolutionary America 1763-1789, "References to the Revolutionary era are scattered through the first two chapters." (Gephart, 1627)
    TB32759  $150.00

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    Philbrick, Nathaniel:  Mayflower A story of Courage, Community and War.  New York: Viking, 2006. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in dark green paper covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine. An octavo measuring 9 by 6 inches with fading to the paper at the lower edges of the spine and boards. In a near fine, unclipped dust jacket with slight wear to the lower edges of the panels and spine area. 461 pages including an index, bibliography, chapter notes and text. Illustrated with maps, photographs and reproductions from contemporary works of art. A clean and tight copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB31504  $25.00

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    Philbrick, Thomas (Editor):  Plymouth Plantation Selections from the Narratives of William Bradford and Edward Winslow.  Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 2009. First Edition, First printing. Fine in light green cloth covered boards with bright gilt text on the spine, gilt borders on the front and rear boards with the series logo on the front board, the top edge of the text block is gilt and the end sheets are decorated green paper. A 16mo measuring 6 3/4" by 4 1/4". Without a dust jacket as issued. Still contained within the publisher's shrink wrap. 308 pages containing a list of all Lakeside Classics published prior to the release of this publication. Illustrated with a color frontispiece portrait of Edward Winslow, a two page color map of Cape Cod and Cape Cod Bay and a number of reproductions of contemporary works of art. The 107th volume in the longest running collection of series Americana.
    TB28007  $20.00

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    Pulsifer, David:  An Account Of The Battle Of Bunker Hill, Compiled from Authentic Sources With General Burgoyne's Account Of The Battle.  Boston: A Williams And Co., c1872, 1875. Reprint of 1875. Very near fine in blue paper covered limp boards with gilt text on the front board. A 16mo of 6 1/16 by 3 3/4 inches with light wear to the heel of the spine. Without a dust jacket as issued. 75 pages of text. Illustrated with a fold-out map of Boston, Charlestown the Charles River and Boston Harbour titled: "Plan of the Town of Boston with the Attack on Bunkers-Hill in the Peninsula of Charlestown" tipped-in at the front of the book. The map and the contents are in fine condition with no foxing, tanning or prior owner's markings.
    TB31989  $125.00

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    Quinn, William P.:  The Saltworks of Historic Cape Cod.  Orleans, Mass.: Parnassus Imprints, (1993). First Edition. Fine in dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. A small quarto of 10 by 7 inches. In a fine, unclipped dust jacket. 247 pages of text extensively illustrated with line drawings, images from black and white photographs, maps and reproductions of earlier works of art.
    TB31692  $12.00

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    Ryan, Kate:  Old Boston Museum Days.  Boston: Little, Brown, And Company, 1915. First Edition. Near fine in its original dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text and gilt designs on the spine and front board with a blind embossed border around the front board. An octavo of 8 1/4 by 5 1/2 inches with only hints of rubbing to the tips of the boards and corners of the spine and with a prior owner's book plate on the front paste down. 264 pages including an index and text. Illustrated from black and white photographs throughout. The story of . the Boston Museum which was able to circumvent Boston's Blue Laws against theatrical entertainment and hosted "platform entertainment" as early as 1843 which lead to the creation of vaudeville entertainment
    TB32799  $25.00

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    Stackpole, Edourard A.:  Nantucket In The American Revolution.  Falmouth, Mass.: The Nantucket Historical Association, 1976. First Edition. Fine in heavy, printed paper wraps over an adhesive binding. An octavo measuring 9 by 5 7/8 inches. Without a dust jacket as issued. 140 pages of text illustrated with black and white reproductions of earlier works of art. A fine, bright copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB28649  $25.00

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    Story, Dana A.:  The Shipbuilders Of Essex A Chronicle of Yankee Endeavor.  Gloucester, Mass.: Ten Pound Island Book Company, 1995. First Edition, First printing. Fine in blue cloth covered boards with bold gilt text stamping on the spine and on the front board with illustrated end sheets. A small quarto measuring 10" by 9" with a prior owner's name and date on the title page. In a fine unclipped dust jacket. 369 pages including an index, appendices and text. Illustrated throughout with reproductions of earlier works of art, black and white photographs and line drawings. The history of 300 years of ship building in Essex, Massachusetts.
    TB26111  $30.00

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    Tague, William H. Robert B. Kimball and Richard V. Happel:  Berkshire Two Hundred Years In Pictures 1761-1961.  Pittsfield, Mass.: The Eagle Publishing Company, 1961. First Edition. Near fine in dark green cloth covered boards with faded gilt text on the spine and front board. A quarto of 11 by 8 inches. In a very good, unclipped (no price) dust jacket with soiling along the fore edge of the front panel and small chips from the upper corners of the spine area. A first printing copy one of only 33,000 copies printed. 112 pages of text and illustrated throughout with images from black and white photographs and reproductions of earlier works of art. A photographic record of the towns and communities of western Massachusetts.
    TB31695  $40.00

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    Thoreau, Henry David:  Cape Cod.  Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1896. First Edition. Both volumes in this two volume set are in near fine condition in decorated olive cloth covered boards with gilt decorations and text stamping on the spines and on the front boards and with the top edges of the text blocks in gilt. The upper ends of purple placement ribbons are sewn-in at the heads of the spines. The hinges and joints for both volumes are tight and strong, the pages are neat and clean and there are no names, dates, or gift inscriptions. The cloth on the spines is very slightly faded to a warm light tan color as are the outside edges of the boards. This is the illustrated edition of Thoreau's classic work with wonderful, small color drawings by Amelia M.Watson in the margins scattered throughout the text of both volumes. The covers of these two volumes represent a fine example of the decorative book cover work performed by Sarah Wyman Whitman (1842-1904). Overall, a very handsome and collectable set of one of Thoreau's most enjoyable works. (BAL 20192; Borst, A5.3)
    TB33117  $275.00

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    Thoreau, Henry David:  Early Spring In Massachusetts From The Journal of Henry D. Thoreau.  Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, c1881. Early Reprint. Very good in its original green cloth covered beveled boards with gilt text stamping on the spine, a gilt stamped facsimile of the author's signature on the front board and black end papers with the top edge of the text block gilt. A small octavo measuring 7 1/2" by 5" with two short closed tears to the cloth at the heel of the spine, light rubbing and wear to the cloth at the head of the spine and with an early prior owner's name and date on the second free end page. The contents are exceptionally clean and bright with no signs of tanning or foxing. There are several, minor marginal notes in pencil on pages 42, 194 and 310. This was the first of the four "seasons" to be published. Only 1,024 copies of the first edition were printed. A collectible, clean and tight copy with no weakness to the hinges or joints. Extremely scarce in first edition. 318 pages of text. (BAL 20123; Borst, A8.1.a)
    TB29385  $165.00

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    Uncle Philip [Francis Lister Hawks]:  History of the United States: No. III. or, Uncle Philip's Conversations With The Children About Massachusetts (volume I only).  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1840. First Edition. Very near fine in dark brown cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine showing it as volume 29 in the Boy's and Girl's Library. A 24mos measuring 6" by 3 1/2" with light foxing throughout with an early gift inscription on the front paste down. Without a dust jacket. This title consists of two volumes (29 and 30). This is volume I only of this set. 213 pages of text. Illustrated with a frontispiece, an engraved title page and one engraving within the text.
    TB26261  $60.00

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    Whittemore, Bradford Adams:  Memorials Of The Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati.  Boston: Society of the Cincinnati, 1964. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in orange cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and tan end sheets. A small quarto measuring 9 1/2" by 6" with a prior owner's book plate on the front paste down. In a very good unclipped dust jacket with two 1/2" narrow chips from the upper edge of the front panel and with light tanning to the spine area. 852 pages including an index, appendix and text.
    TB24191  $75.00

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    Winthrop, John:  A Journal Of The Transactions and Occurrences in the Settlement of Massachusetts and the other New-England Colonies, from the year 1630 to 1644.  Hartford: Elisha Babcock, 1790. First Edition. Good in full leather (calf) covered boards with scant remnants of the original, gilt stamped spine label. A small octavo of 7 3/4 by 4 7/8 with the front joint broken so that the front board is only held on by one sewing cord. The first free end page is loose on which there are notes in pencil. The second free end page has an early prior owner's name in pencil near its top edge. The rear hinge and joint remain tight and strong. There is an early prior owner's book plate on the front paste down with a separate page typed within this copy indicating that the book plate was that of George Richard Minot (1758-1802) whose name has been cut out of the book plate as well as from the upper edge of the title page. The contents are only slightly tanned and largely free of foxing. Overall, the pages are very clean and free of any damage. 364 pages of text followed by four pages of "contents". Both Sabin and Howes report that the "original edition was edited by Noah Webster" and Howes states that copies of this title are considered "quite scarce". John Winthrop (1588-1649) was the first Governor of Massachusetts. He maintained a journal recording events beginning in March, 1630 to 1644 which relate to the history and development of the New England states during that period making this an extremely valuable resource. This title published his journal for the first time. (Howes, W-583; Sabin, 104847; Evans, 23086)
    TB29440  $900.00

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