Books in The Rivers of America Series
Arranged alphabetically by title.


The Rivers of America Series
     We believe this series represents one of the finest adventures ever undertaken by any publisher in an effort to blend the talents of both writers and artists to present a tribute to the rivers which played such a vital role in the development of our nation.  The series was initially conceived by Constance Lindsay Skinner who was the first editor of the series.  It started in 1937 with the publication of Kennebec by Robert P. Tristram Coffin.  And, under the guidance of three other editors the series endured until 1974 when the last book in the series: The American written by Margaret Sanborn was produced.  The editors looked for only the best writers for the series who were to be either novelists or poets so that the product would be a literary sketch not an historical tome.  A testament to their outstanding work is the fact that many of these volumes continue to be reprinted.  (For an excellent overview of this series we suggest that Robert Gilbert's article be read which appeared in the September, 1995 issue of Firsts Magazine.)
     Little known to many of the collectors of the Rivers of America Series is a group of nine books published for "young adults".  This subset of the Rivers series was also published by Holt Rinehart & Winston between 1962 to 1970.  The publisher targeted sales to school and public libraries.  As a result, most of the copies which have been found and resold in the secondary markets have a "reinforced library binding".  To see a list of our stock in this series please click here.

© 2001 Town's End Books

     If you wish to see a list of our less expensive reading copies and those titles without dust jackets please click here.

To order any of these books please use your mouse button to click on the check box next to each book title.   Then tap the ORDER button below and that will start the secure server shopping box system.

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    Dietz, Lew:  The Allagash.  New York: Holt Rinehart & Winston, (1968). First Edition, First printing. Very near fine in green cloth covered boards with a very slight roll to the spine. In a very good, unclipped dust jacket with the spine area well tanned and with evidence of insect predation to the same and mild hand soiling to the panels. The 58th volume in The Rivers of America Series. 264 pages including an index, bibliography and chapter notes. With illustrations by George Loh.
    TB32918  $75.00

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    Sanborn, Margaret:  The American.  New York: Holt Rinehart & Winston, (1974). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in tan cloth covered boards with a gilt on dark red title block on the spine. A small octavo of 8 by 5 1/4 inches. In a near fine, unclipped dust jacket with just a hint of wrinkling to the upper edge of the spine area. Signed by the author on the title page without an inscription or date. The last title published in The Rivers of America Series and one that has recently become more uncommon. 354 pages including an index with illustrations by Jerry Helmrich.
    TB33331  $140.00

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    Minter, John E.:  The Chagres.  New York: Rinehart & Co., (1948). First Edition, First printing. Near fine in ivory colored cloth covered boards with a gilt on brown title block. A small octavo of 8 by 5 1/4 inches with a long gift inscription on the first free end page. In a very good+, unclipped dust jacket with 1/16" chips across the upper edge of the spine area, wear and a 3/4" closed tear at the lower edge of the spine area and with rubbing and wear to the fore corners of the panels over the tips of the boards. The title page is signed by the two editors of the series: Hervey Allen and Carl Carmer. The 35th volume in the Rivers of America Series. Illustrated by William Wellons. 418 pages with an index and bibliography.
    TB30598  $75.00

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    Tourtellot, Arthur B.:  The Charles.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1941). First Edition. Near fine in black cloth covered boards with a gilt on red title block on the spine. In a very good+ dust jacket with the price intact with minor rubbing at the upper edge of the spine area which is also tanned. The 14th volume in The Rivers of America Series with illustrations by Ernest J. Donnelly. 356 pages containing an index, bibliography, text & illustrations
    TB27269  $65.00

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    Waters, Frank:  The Colorado.  New York: Rinehart & Co., (1946). First Edition, First printing. Near fine in dark red cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block on the spine with the first free end page missing. In a very good price clipped dust jacket with fading to the spine area and with light wear and rubbing to the ends of the same and to the fold to the front flap. The 30th volume in The Rivers of America Series with illustrations by Nicolai Fechin. 400 pages including an index, references, text and illustrations.
    TB27386  $70.00

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    Waters, Frank:  The Colorado (National Travel Club Edition).  New York: National Travel Club, (1946). First Edition, Second Printing. Near fine in black cloth covered boards with gilt text and gilt borders on the spine and the gilt logo of the National Travel Club on the front board with blind embossed borders. A small octavo of 7 15/16 by 5 1/4 inches with minor light rubbing to the cloth at the corners of the spine and a date of "July 2, 1946" written in ink at the upper corner of the fly title page. In a very good-, unclipped (but not priced) dust jacket with two 1/2" deep chips at the upper corners of the spine area, small chips at the fore corners of the panels at the folds and soiling to the rear unprinted panel. Signed by the author, Frank Waters, on the fly title without an inscription or date. This is an interesting variant in The Rivers of America Series. It is actually a second printing of the title, but it is its first appearance as it was released in July of 1946 three months before the Rinehart publication. Rinehart's plates were used to create this printing which is why it carries the Rinehart circled R on the copyright page. (Fitzgerald, C11) 400 pages including an index, glossary, reference appendix and text. The illustrations are by Nicolai Fechin.
    TB29534  $150.00

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    Hard, Walter:  The Connecticut.  New York: Rinehart & Company, (1947). First Edition. Near fine in tan cloth covered boards with a gilt on green title block on the spine. An octavo of 8 by 5 3/8 inches with faint soiling across the upper edges of the front and rear boards. In a very good, unclipped dust jacket with tiny chips from the upper and lower edges of the spine area and rubbing to the folds to the flaps and to the spine area. The 32nd volume in the Rivers of America series with illustrations by Douglas W. Gorsline. 310 pages containing an index, bibliography, text and illustrations. A very clean and tight copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB33232  $60.00

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    McCague, James:  The Cumberland.  New York: Holt Rinehart & Winston, (1973). First Edition. Fine in yellow-green linen cloth covered boards with a green and gilt text block on the on the spine. In a very good+ dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap and with minor rubbing to the ends of the spine area with a 1/2" closed tear at the upper edge of the spine area and a 1" closed tear at the upper edge of the front panel. The 63rd volume in the Rivers of America Series. With illustrations by Charles Walker. 225 pages including an index and bibliography. A very nice collectible copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB30593  $90.00

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    Wildes, Harry E.:  The Delaware.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1940). First Edition, First printing. Near fine in gray cloth covered boards with faint rubbing to the cloth at the corners of the spine and at the tips of the boards. A small octavo of 8 by 5 1/4 inches. In a very good-, unclipped dust jacket with a large 1 1/2 inch deep chip from the lower edge of the spine area and light flecking of the colors at the upper edge of the same and over the tips of the front boards. The 10th volume in the Rivers of America Series with illustrations by Irwin D. Hoffman. 398 pages containing an index, bibliography, text and drawings.
    TB33097  $75.00

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    Douglas, Marjory S.:  The Everglades.  New York: Rinehart & Co., (1947). First Edition, First printing. Very good- in green cloth covered boards with a gilt on dark green title block on the spine. The cloth at the head and heel of the spine show light rubbing and wear with some fading and flecking of the gilt text on the spine. A prior owner has stamped their name on the end sheets, fly title page and the third free end page. The 33rd volume in the Rivers of America series with illustrations by Robert Fink. Although part of the Rivers of American series this is one of the most important titles in Florida's environmental heritage. 406 pages including an index.
    TB33238  $65.00

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    Hutchison, Bruce:  The Fraser.  Toronto: Clarke, Irwin & Co., 1950. First Edition, first Canadian printing. Near fine in gray-brown cloth covered boards with a gilt on dark blue title block on the spine. A small octavo of 8 by 5 1/4 inches with a number of faint dampness stains around the edges of the boards and at the ends of the spine. In a very good-, unclipped dust jacket with a 1/2 inch deep chip across the upper edge of the spine area, 1/4 inch chips from the corners of the lower edge of the same, small chips over the tips of the boards and the rear flap was separated from the rear panel, but has been repaired on its verso side with archival tape. Signed without an inscription and dated in the year of publication by the author on the first free end page. The 42nd volume in The Rivers of America Series with illustrations by Richard Bennett. 368 pages including an index and bibliography. Clark, Irwin & Company used the first edition Rinehart plates to create this first Canadian edition copy of this title and was published on the same date as the Rinehart first US edition. (Fitzgerald, F1)
    TB32972  $125.00

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    Hutchison, Bruce:  The Fraser.  Toronto: Clarke Irwin & Co., (1950). Second Clarke Irwin Printing. Very good in light brown cloth covered boards with a gilt on dark blue title block on the spine. With fading to the head and heel of the spine and a prior owner's name and date on the first free end paper. In a good unclipped dust jacket with 1/2" deep chips at the ends of the spine area and a one inch long but shallow chip at the upper edge of the front panel. The 42nd volume in the Rivers of America series with illustrations by Richard Bennett. 368 pages including an index and bibliography.
    TB20185  $40.00

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    Clune, Henry W.:  The Genesee.  New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, (1963). First Edition, First printing. An ex-library copy in very good+ condition the only evidence being that the flaps of the jacket have been glued to the fixed end sheets. In a good dust jacket with the library call number removed from the spine area. With illustrations by Douglas Gorsline. The story of the Genesee River which flows northerly through western New York state through Rochester to empty into Lake Ontario. The 54th volume in the series. 338 pages including an index.
    TB24594  $25.00

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    Smith, Chard P.:  The Housatonic.  New York: Rinehart & Co, (1946). First Edition. Near fine in orange cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block on the spine with illustrated end sheets. A small octavo measuring 8" by 5 1/4". In a very good+, unclipped dust jacket with 1/4" deep chips from the upper corners of the spine area, very shallow wear and chipping of 1/16" at the lower edge of the spine area and a small, shallow chip at the upper corner of the front panel. A tight and handsome copy, certainly worthy of a collection and with no prior ownership markings of any kind. The 29th volume in the series with illustrations by Armin Landeck. 532 pages containing an index and bibliography.
    TB27818  $65.00

  • Carmer, Carl:  The Hudson.  New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, (1962). First Edition, First printing. Good in blue cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block on the spine which is faded and with the covers slightly soiled and with very faint foxing to the hinge areas of the ends sheets caused by a reaction with the glue used in binding. Missing its issued dust jacket. The 6th volume in the Rivers of America Series. With illustrations by Stow Wengenroth. 434 pages followed by the essay Rivers and American Folk by the founder of the series, Constance Lindsay Skinner.
    TB23255  $20.00

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    Beston, Henry:  The Hudson A Rivers of America Book (Armed Forces Edition).  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., n.d.. Armed Services Edition. Very good in heavy printed paper wraps over a single, stapled and adhesive binding. A 48mo of 3 7/8 by 5 1/2 inches with a long diagonal crease to the front cover, a dampness stain to the margins of the fore, upper corners of the pages and a figure of 10 written in black marker on the front cover. Without a dust jacket as issued. 288 pages. Cataloged as 806 in the list of Armed Forces Editions.
    TB31098  $25.00

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    Niles, Blair:  The James.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1939). First Edition, First Printing. Near fine in blue cloth covered boards with a bright gilt on black title block on the spine with illustrated end sheets. A small octavo of 8 by 5 3/8 inches with the cloth at the head and heel of the spine is slightly faded. In a very good+, unclipped dust jacket with two small, shallow chips at the upper edge of the spine area which is tanned, a long closed tear at the fold from the spine area to the front panel and a soiled rear panel. Signed and inscribed to "a new friend" by the author and dated in the year of publication. With illustrations by Edward Shenton. The fifth volume in The Rivers of America Series. 359 pages including an index which is followed by an essay by the originator and first editor of the series, Constance Lindsay Skinner.
    TB29597  $250.00

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    Niles, Blair:  The James.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1939). First Edition. Very good+ in blue cloth covered boards with a faint dampness stain to the lower half of the boards which did not migrate beyond the cloth into the boards or end sheets. There is a neat prior owner's signature on the fly title page. In a very good- dust jacket with the original price intact on the front flap with 1/3" deep chipping across the upper edge of the spine area, a 1/2" square chip from the lower fore corner of front panel and several shallow chips around the edges of the rear panel. With illustrations by Edward Shenton. The fifth volume in The Rivers of America Series. 359 pages including an index which is followed by an essay by the originator and first editor of the series, Constance Lindsay Skinner.
    TB27388  $75.00

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    Streeter, Floyd B.:  The Kaw.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1941). First Edition, First printing. Very good+ in gray cloth covered boards with a gilt on green title block on the spine with illustrated end sheets with tanning to the upper 1/2" of the cloth of the spine and with a prior owner's address label on the front paste down and with slight foxing to the front and rear hinges due to a reaction with the glue used in binding. In a very good- unclipped dust jacket with 1/2" deep chips across the upper edge of the spine area which is also tanned. The 12th volume in The Rivers of America Series with illustrations by Isabel Bate and Harold Black. 371 pages including an index and bibliography.
    TB25325  $45.00

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    Coffin, Robert P. T.:  Kennebec.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1937). First Edition, First printing. Very good+ in salmon colored cloth boards with gilt on black title block on the spine and with decorated end sheets. A small octavo of 8 by 5 3/8 inches with light soiling to the upper and lower edges of the boards and spine. In a very good, price clipped dust jacket with a 1/3 inch deep chips at the upper edge of the spine area which expends around the fold to the front panel and tiny chips from the fore corners of the front panel over the tips of the front board. The first volume in The Rivers of America Series withillustrations by Maitland de Gogorza. 292 pages containing an index and text. This title has become rather difficult to find in collectable condition.
    TB33007  $85.00

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    Vestal, Stanley:  The Missouri.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1945). First Edition. Very near fine in light green cloth covered boards with a gilt on purple title block on the spine and decorated end papers. The top edge of the text block is slightly dust stained. In a very good, unclipped dust jacket with 3/4 inch deep chip from the upper edge of the rear panel and two 1/4 inch chips from the upper corners of the spine area which is very slightly faded. The 26th volume in The Rivers of America Series. 368 pages including an index, bibliography and chapter notes. Illustrated by Getlar Smith. The contents are clean, tight and free of any prior ownership markings.
    TB32966  $75.00

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    Hislop, Codman:  The Mohawk.  New York: Rinehart, (1948). First Edition, First Printing. Very near fine in red/orange cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block on the spine. There is a small 1/2 inch dampness stain at the heel of the spine which does not impact the title block or the end sheets. The end sheets show very light and modest foxing. A small octavo of 8 by 5 1/4 inches. In a very good+ unclipped dust jacket with light wear and rubbing to the upper edge of the slightly tanned spine area. Signed and warmly inscribed by the illustrator on the first free end page and dated in the year of publication. With illustrations by Letterio Calapai. The 36th volume in the Rivers of America Series. 367 pages including an index and bibliography.
    TB32090  $90.00

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    Hislop, Codman:  The Mohawk.  New York: Rinehart, (1948). First Edition. Very good+ in red-orange cloth covered boards with a brown and gilt text block on the spine. The spine is tanned and the gilt text on the spine is somewhat faded. In a very good, unclipped dust jacket with 1/8 and 1/4 inch deep chips at the corners of the spine and with minor shallow chips at the upper edge of the front panel and tape stains on the flaps of the jacket. Signed and inscribed by the author on the first free end page. With illustrations by Letterio Calapai. The 36th volume in the Rivers of America Series. 366 pages including an index and bibliography.
    TB33233  $85.00

  • Hislop, Codman:  The Mohawk.  New York: Rinehart, (1948). First Edition, First printing. Fine in red/orange cloth covered boards. In a very good+ dust jacket with the price intact on the front flap, moderate tanning of the spine area and light wear at the ends of the spine area. With illustrations by Letterio Calapai. The 36th volume in the Rivers of America Series.
    TB11952  $52.50

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    Braider, Donald:  The Niagara.  New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, (1972). First Edition, First printing. Fine in yellow-orange cloth covered boards with a gilt on dark red title block on the spine. A small quarto of 8 by 5 3/8 inches. In a very near fine, unclipped dust jacket with light wear and rubbing to the ends of the spine area and to the upper fore corner of the front panel. The 62nd volume in the Rivers of America Series which was published in May of 1972. 294 pages including an index.
    TB33258  $50.00

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    Banta, R. E.:  The Ohio.  New York: Rinehart & Company, (1949). First Signed, Limited Edition. Very good+ in light gray cloth covered boards with a gilt on dark blue title block on the spine. There is the evidence of a pasted prior owner's book plate on the first free end page and the top edge of the text block is lightly dust stained. In a very good unclipped dust jacket with 1/8" deep chips at the corners of the spine area which is lightly tanned and a 1/2" chip from the lower fore corner of the front panel. This is a "Special Limited Valley Edition" which is signed by the author on the fly title page. Illustrated by Edward Shenton. 592 pages including an index.
    TB23175  $65.00

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    Banta, R. E.:  The Ohio.  New York: Rinehart & Co., (1949). First Edition, First printing. Near fine in light gray cloth covered boards with a gilt on dark blue title block on the spine. A small octavo of 7 7/8 by 5 1/2 inches with a slight tanning of the cloth over the spine. In a very good+, price clipped, dust jacket with wear and rubbing at the upper and lower edges of the spine area which is also slightly tanned. With illustrations by Edward Shenton. The 39th volume in the Rivers of America Series. 592 pages containing an index and bibliography.
    TB33234  $60.00

  • Gutheim, Frederick:  The Potomac (Revised Edition).  New York: Grosset & Dunlap, (1968). Revised Edt.. Near fine with a remainder mark on the bottom edge and light slelf wear at the heel of the spine. In a very good+ dust jacket with remains of a paper label near the base of the spine and rubbed at the edges. Illustrated edition with woodcuts by Mitchell Jamieson.
    TB04513  $31.50

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    Burt, Struthers:  Powder River.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1938). First Edition, First printing. Very good in bright red cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block on the spine. A small octavo of 8 by 5 1/4 inches with a dampness stain on the rear board and part of the spine which did not migrate into the interior of the book. In a poor unclipped dust jacket with multiple major chipping. The remnants of this jacket have been carefully pieced together using archival tape on the verso side. There is a prior owner's book plate on the front paste down. The fourth volume in the Rivers of America series with illustrations by Ross Santee. 389 pages including an index followed by an eleven page introduction to the series by C.L. Skinner.
    TB32974  $40.00

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    Jahoda, Gloria:  River of the Golden Ibis.  New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, (1973). First Edition. Fine in decorated orange cloth covered boards with black and gilt text on the spine and on the front board with map end sheets. An octavo measuring 9 by 6 inches. In a near fine, unclipped dust jacket with just hints of wear to the upper and lower edges of the spine area. Originally scheduled to have been one of the volumes in the Rivers of America Series; however, the book was pulled from the series at the last moment as its content went beyond the normal parameters for the Rivers of America Series. Nonetheless, this book is considered an important addition to a complete Rivers collection. A very clean and highly collectible copy without any prior ownership markings of any kind. With illustrations by Ben F. Stahl, Jr. 408 pages including an index and bibliography.
    TB32976  $85.00

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    Fitzgerald, Carol:  The Rivers of America A Descriptive Bibliography.  New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2001. First Edition. Both volumes of this two volume set are in fine condition in dark blue cloth covered boards with gilt text stampings on the spines. Both are octavos measuring 9 by 6 inches with decorative end sheets. Both volumes are in fine unclipped dust jackets. Extensive research and years of searching for every variant copy for all of the titles in the Rivers of America series have allowed the author to compile an extremely detailed and highly authoritative bibliography of this series. Volume 1 contains 434 pages while volume 2 contains pages 435 to 899 which includes an index for both volumes. I am of the opinion that this is one of the best bibliographies ever published as it goes into extreme detail of each volume and every variant, provides a biography of each author and each illustrator. I know of no other bibliography that covers as much material or as thoroughly. An invaluable resource for any serious collector of this series. An extremely handsome set and now that it is out of print sure to grow in value.
    TB33142  $150.00

  • Dana, Julian:  The Sacramento.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1939). Reprint. Very good+ in red cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block on the spine and map end papers. The seventh volume in the Rivers of America Series. 294 pages including an index. Illustrated by John O'Hara Consgrave, II.
    TB16964  $63.00

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    Fisher, Anne B.:  The Salinas.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1945). First Edition, Limited Edition. Good in red cloth covered boards with a 1 inch deep closed tear to the cloth and underlying board at the lower edge of the front board, soiling across the face of the front board, light wear and rubbing to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine and with the cloth on the spine faded and soiled at the folds to the joints. There is also a prior owner's book plate on the fly title page and the remnants of a child's scribbling on the front end sheets. In a very good-, unclipped dust jacket with very shallow, minor chipping to the ends of the spine area, several archival tape repairs to the verso of the jacket particularly at the fold to the front flap where it was completely separated. And with 1/8" deep chips across more than 1/2 of the upper edge of the front panel. This is one of the Special Salinas Valley Edition copies which is identified as number 306 on the limitation page and which is signed by both the author and the illustrator. 316 pages including an index and bibliography. The 27th volume in The Rivers of America Series with illustrations by W. K. Fisher. As Carol Fitzgerald notes in her splendid bibliography of The Rivers of America, the number of copies of the special limited edition is unknown, but it is at least 801 as this dealer has seen a copy with that number. (Fitzgerald, Vol. 2, S33)
    TB29878  $75.00

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    Stokes, Thomas L.:  The Savannah.  New York: Rinehart, (1951). First Edition, First printing. Fine in blue-green cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block on the spine. An octavo of 8 by 5 1/4 inches with a prior owner's book plate on the front paste down and a catalog number written at the upper right corner of the first free end page. In a very good, unclipped dust jacket with rubbing and wear to the colors at the ends of the spine area and to the fold to the front flap. The 43rd volume in The Rivers of America series. With illustrations by Lamar Dodd. 401 pages including an index, bibliography and text.
    TB31270  $60.00

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    Davis, Julia:  The Shenandoah.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1945). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in bright blue cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block on the spine and illustrated end sheets. A small octavo measuring 8 by 5 1/4 inches with minor fading of the cloth at the head and heel of the spine. In a very good+ price clipped dust jacket with wear and rubbing to the ends of the spine area and over the tips of the boards. The 28th volume in the Rivers of America Series with illustrations by Frederic Taubes. 374 pages including an index and bibliography. A very handsome and clean copy with no prior ownership markings.
    TB32965  $75.00

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    Carmer, Carl:  Songs of the Rivers of America.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1942). First Edition. Very good+ in red cloth covered boards with black text and decorations on the spine and front board. A quarto measuring 12 by 9 inches with rubbing and light wear to the cloth at the heel of the spine and the upper inch of the spine is slightly faded. In a good, unclipped dust jacket with numerous closed tears, large and small chipping to the spine area and to the edges of the front and rear panels. Signed by the author on the fly title page with a date or an inscription. Although part of the Rivers of America series, this book is considerably larger than the format for the others in the series. It is also the most difficult to locate. 196 pages including indexes of both titles and first lines.
    TB29547  $400.00

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    Carmer, Carl:  Songs of the Rivers of America.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1942). First Edition. Very near fine in red cloth covered boards with black text and decorations on the spine and front board. A 4to measuring 12 by 8 3/4 inches with light rubbing to the cloth at the heel of the spine. In a very good-, price clipped dust jacket with a two inch deep chip at the upper edge of the spine area, heavy rubbing and wear to the folds and several smaller chips to the upper and lower edges of the rear panel. Despite the damage to the jacket this is still a collectable copy. Although part of the Rivers of America series, this book is considerably larger than the format for the others in the series. It is also the most difficult to locate. 196 pages of text and song scores together with an index.
    TB31520  $385.00

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    Dunn, James T.:  The St. Croix.  New York: Holt Rinehart & Winston, (1965). First Edition, First Printing. Very good+ in light green cloth covered boards with a gilt on light brown text block on the spine. An octavo of 8 by 5 1/4 inches with dust staining to the top edge of the text block and tanning to the extreme edges of the cloth binding. In a very good+, price clipped dust jacket with chipping across the lower edge of the spine area, light wear to the upper edge of the same and rubbing to the fore corners of the panels over the tips of the boards. Signed and warmly inscribed by the author on the first free end page. The 55th volume in The Rivers of America Series. With illustrations by Gerald Hazzard. 309 pages including an index, list of sources, text and illustrations.
    TB32971  $60.00

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    Cabell, Branch, and A. J. Hanna:  The St. Johns.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1943). First Edition, First Printing. Near fine in ivory cloth covered boards with a gilt on blue text block on the spine and decorated end papers. The cloth at the lower end of the spine and the lower rear corners of the boards shows a faint dampness stain which has not migrated to any other parts of this copy In a very near fine, unclipped dust jacket very slight wear to the ends of the spine area and two tiny closed tears to the upper edge of the front panel. Signed by "James Branch Cabell" one of the authors on the fly title page. The 24th volume in the Rivers of America Series. Co-authored with A. J. Hanna. 324 pages including an index and bibliography. Despite the minor flaws noted above, this is a handsome collectible copy.
    TB32973  $150.00

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    Carmer, Carl:  The Susquehanna.  New York: Rinehart & Co., (1955). First Edition. Near fine in blue cloth covered boards with a gilt on black title block. In a very good unclipped dust jacket with minor shallow chipping at the corners of the spine area with related creasing and rubbing. The 48th volume in the American Rivers series. With illustrations by Stow Wengenroth. 493 pages including an index and bibliography.
    TB27720  $70.00

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    Davidson, Donald:  The Tennessee The New River: Civil War to TVA.  New York: Rinehart, (1948). First Edition, First Printing. Fine in rust colored cloth covered boards with a gilt on green title block on the spine. An octavo of 8 by 5 1/4 inches with illustrated end sheets. A nice clean, crisp copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind. In a very near fine, unclipped dust jacket with very shallow flecking of the colors at the upper and lower edges of the spine area and light soiling to the rear panel. The 34th volume in The Rivers of America Series with illustrations by Theresa Sherrer Davidson. 377 pages containing an index and bibliography.
    TB32964  $85.00

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    Davidson, Donald:  The Tennessee The Old River.  New York: Rinehart, (1946). First Edition. Fine in blue-green cloth covered boards with a gilt on a dark red title block and illustrated end sheets. A small quarto of 8 by 5 1/4 inches. In a very good+, unclipped dust jacket with upper edge of the spine area rubbed of it colors to a depth of 3/16th of an inch and with moderate rubbing to the lower edge of the same. The 31st volume in the Rivers of America series with illustrations by Theresa Sherrer Davidson. 342 pages containing an index and bibliography. A very handsome, bright and tight copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB32963  $90.00

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    Wilson, William E.:  The Wabash.  New York: Farrar & Rinehart, (1940). First Edition, First Printing. Very good+ in dark blue cloth covered boards with a gilt on light blue title block on the spine. The cloth over the complete backstrip is faded with the boards left largely untouched by the sun. In a very good+ unclipped dust jacket with a 1/2 inch deep by 2 inch long chip to the upper edge of the rear panel. Signed with a long, warm inscription by the author on the fly title page. The 8th volume in the Rivers of America Series. Illustrated by John de Martelly. 339 pages including an index, bibliography and text.
    TB32658  $150.00

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    Hill, Ralph N.:  The Winooski.  New York: Rinehart & Company, (1949). First Edition. Fine in ivory colored cloth covered boards with a gilt on green title block on the spine. A small quarto of 8 by 5 1/4 inches. In a very good+, unclipped dust jacket with light wear and rubbing to the ends of the spine area and with a small chip to the upper fore corner of the front panel over the tip of the front board. The 38th volume in the Rivers of America series with illustrations by George Daly. 304 pages including an index and bibliography. A delightfully clean and handsome copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB32960  $90.00

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