Arranged alphabetically by author.

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    Prayer Book Of King Edward VII The Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration Of The Sacraments & Other Rites & Ceremonies Of The Church.  London: Essex House, Eyre & Spottiswoode and printed at the Guild of Handicraft, 1904. . Near fine 1/4 leather and beveled, oak wood boards with five raised bands on the spine with gilt text in one compartment. A folio measuring 14 by 10 1/2 inches with hand wrought metal clasps on the front board (the rear clasps are missing from the rear board). The absence of any wear to the leather or any date on the spine strongly suggests a more recent rebind of the pigskin covered spine. The contents are extremely clean and free of soiling. The print is in black and red with the edges untrimmed. A limited edition of only 400 copies of which this copy is identified as number 179. 387 pages of text including the colophon. Illustrated throughout with wood block designs by C. R. Ashbee. This volume comes with "A Key To The Principal Decorations In The Prayer Book of King Edward VII, as Designed and Carried Out by D. R. Ashbee." laid-in, published by The Cambridge Society of New York and Montreal, M. Walter Dunne, President, which is a small quarto in wraps 14 pages with the rear cover loose and shallow chipping around the edges of the front cover.
    TB29064  $750.00

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    The Holy Bible.  no city: Unknown publisher, no date. Unknown edition. A very early Bible in good condition which has been more recently rebound in black cloth covered boards with new end sheets and a paper label on the spine. A 24mo of 5 by 2 5/8 inches lacking the title page, copyright page and any preliminaries prior to the first page of text. We can only guess that this small Bible dates to the early 1700's. The text is printed in two columns and the print is exceedingly small. There are no page numbers and one can only estimate the number of leaves.
    TB32419  $100.00

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    Anonymous:  Faith And Practice of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends (Book Of Discipline).  Worcester, Mass.: New England Yearly Meeting Of Friends, 1986. First Edition. Fine in bright red cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine and on the front board. An octavo of 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches. Without a dust jacket. 279 pages including an index, appendices and text. An extremely bright and clean copy with no prior ownership markings of any kind.
    TB32761  $20.00

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    Bates, Elisha:  The Doctrines Of Friends or Principles Of The Christian Religion As Held By The Society of Friends Commonly Called Quakers.  Mountpleasant: Self-Published , 1825. Second Edition. An ex-library copy (from the Library of the Episcopal Theological School of Cambridge, Mass.) recently rebound in full, light brown leather (calf) with text and date in gilt on the spine. A small octavo measuring 8" by 5" with foxing and tanning to the original end sheets and the same to the pages of the text block. 320 pages of text.
    TB26559  $150.00

  • Brown, Thomas:  An Account Of The People Called Shakers: Their Faith, Doctrines, and Practice.  Troy, New York: Parker and Bliss, 1812. First Edition. Good in contemporary, full leather (calf) covered boards with heavy applications of varnish to the worn spine. A 16 mo measuring 7" by 4" with all edges trimmed and with early prior owner's names on the end sheets. The contents are tightly bound with little evidence of foxing but with heavy tanning to the outside edges of the front two pages and rear two pages. 372 pages of text. (Sabin, 8567)
    TB25878  $200.00

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    [Dwight, Edwin Welles]:  Memoirs of Henry Obookiah, A Native of Owhyhee, and a Member of the Foreign Mission School; Who Died at Cornwall, Conn. Feb. 17, 1818 Aged 26 Years.  Philadelphia: American Sunday School Union, 1830. Revised Edition. Good in 1/4 brown leather and marbled paper covered boards with the remnants of gilt text on the spine. A 24mo of 5 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches with wear to the leather over the spine and heavy wear to the tips of the boards. The final blank page has been torn out and page 125/126 has its lower half missing and page 23/24 has the lower 2 inches torn away. Foxing marks appear throughout the text and the front paste down bears the statement " S. S. Lib. No.39 | 1831". 126 pages of text.
    TB31221  $75.00

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    Edwards, Jonathan:  History Of Redemption, On A Plan Entirely Original Exhibiting The Gradual Discovery And Accomplishment Of The Divine Purposes In The Salvation Of Man; Including A Comprehensive View Of Church History, And The Fulfilment of Scripture Prophecies.  New York: Printed by T. and J. Swords For the Editor, David Austin, 1793. Fourth Edition. Good in its original full, sheep covered boards with gilt rules highlighting the five raised bands and with gilt text on a small brown leather label. A small octavo of 8 by 4 7/8 inches with the front board loose, dampness stains to the upper margins of the first 74 pages and to the final 4 pages. The upper 1/4 of the frontispiece and to the title page are dampness stained. The contents, other than the dampness stains aforementioned, are largely clean and free of foxing. 573 pages of text followed by an index and four pages of "Table of Text". Illustrated with a frontispiece portrait of Edwards. (Evans, 25433)
    TB32108  $400.00

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    Flechier, Espirit:  Oraisons Funebres Composées Par Monsieur Flechier, Abbe De Saint Severin De L Academie Francoise.  Paris: , 1680. Seconde Edition. Good in a 17th century binding of full leather covered boards with five raised bands on the spine with only fragments of the backstrip remaining, but enough to show gilt tool work and gilt text in the compartments. In subsequent years to preserve the binding the spine area was heavily varnished. In the area where the backstrip has been lost the underlying sewing supports (cords) are visible. The front and rear joints seem to be cracked but the varnish continues to hold the book together with the aid of the still strong front and rear hinges. A 16mo measuring 6 1/4" by 3 1/2" with two recent prior owner's names on the first free end page. 326 pages of text.
    TB26039  $400.00

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    Gannon, Robert I.:  The Cardinal Spellman Story.  Garden City: Doubleday & Company, 1962. First Edition, First Printing. Near fine in black cloth covered boards with a gilt on red title labels on the spine and front board. A small quarto of 9 1/4 by 6 1/8 inches with a slight bow to the covers. In a very good, unclipped dust jacket with one 1/4 inch deep chip at the upper edge of the spine area and several closed tears to both ends of the spine area and two very short closed tears across the top edge of the front panel. Warmly inscribed and signed by Spellman on the first free end page. 447 pages including an index, chapter notes and text. Illustrated with a frontispiece of Spellman from a black and white photograph and two sections of plates all from black and white photographs.
    TB31386  $100.00

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    Griffin, Martin I. J.:  Catholics And The American Revolution.  Ridley Park, Penn.: Self Published, 1907. First Edition, Limited Edition. All three volumes of this complete set are in very good+ condition in red cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine. Each is a small quarto of 9 1/4 by 6 1/4 inches with the top edge of the text blocks gilt. The cloth at the ends of the spines are rubbed and worn as are the tips of the boards and the first free end page are stamped with a prior owner's stamp. One of only 1,000 copied printed with this set numbered 11 on the dedication page. Volume I contains 352 pages. Vomue II contains 400 pages as does Volume III.
    TB33242  $150.00

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    Jortin, John:  Discourses Concern The Truth Of The Christian Religion.  London: J. Whiston, 1768. Fourth Edition. Good in full leather (calf) covered boards with five real raised bands on the spine with scant remnants of the title blocks in two of the compartments and the raised bands outlined in gilt rules. An octavo of 8 1/8 by 4 7/8 inches with a 19th century library book plate on the front paste down, the leather joints and paper hinges are split, but the sewing cords still retain the boards. There is offsetting from the leather turn-ins to the front and rear end pages. There is a prior owner's name on the first free end page and there are occasional marginal note in pencil in the text. 294 pages with the title page printed and red and black ink. Dr. John Jortin (1698-1770) was an English church historian educated at Jesus College in Cambridge.
    TB29874  $125.00

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    Krey, August C.:  The First Crusade The Accounts Of Eye-Witnesses And Participants.  Mansfield Centre, Conn.: Martino Publishing, 2006. Facsimile Reprint. Fine in light gray cloth covered boards with dark blue text on the spine. An octavo measuring 9" by 6 3/4". Without a dust jacket as issued. 299 pages including chapter notes and text. A facsimile reprint of the author's first printing of this title in 1921 by the Princeton University Press.
    TB27399  $70.00

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    Legh, Edward [Leigh]:  A Treatise Of the Divine Promises In Five Books.  London: Printed by George Miller dwelling in Black Friers, 1633. First Edition. A binder's copy in fair, contemporary full leather covered boards with ruled black bands on the spine and black ruled borders on the boards. A small octavo measuring 7 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches with much of the leather of the spine missing and the boards are loose from the text block as is the first free end page. Worm holes are present throughout the pages of the text block, but they seem to have been careful about not invading the printed areas. Written in pencil at the upper edge of the title page are the words: "very scarce". 260 pages of text followed by a six page index of "the principall (sic) things contained in this Treatise". This copy shows the author's name as "Edward Legh". Subsequent editions of the book modified his name to "Edward Leigh". Edward Leigh (1602-1671) was a theologian and early English Puritan. His writings were prolific but he was more of a compiler than writer of original thought. This title appears to have been his first book. OCLC reports that only 14 college, university or national libraries own a copy of this title. Later printings and facsimile copies are more in evidence worldwide. As of this writing, no other copies of the first edition of this title are listed for sale.
    TB29044  $900.00

  • McDonough, Peter, and Eugene C. Bianchi:  Passionate Uncertainty Inside the American Jesuits.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in 1/4 black cloth and brown paper covered boards with silver colored text stamping on the spine with occasional penciled marginal notes. In a near fine dust jacket. 380 pages including an index, chapter notes and text.
    TB17781  $8.00

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    Quaife, Milo M.:  The Kingdom of Saint James A Narrative of the Mormons.  New Haven: Yale University Press, 1930. First Edition. Very good+ in tan cloth covered boards with black text on the spine and with black text and blue decorations on the front board. An octavo of 9 by 6 1/8 inches with light rubbing and wear to the cloth at the head and heel of the spine and a long dated gift inscription to the author, Milo Milton Quaife, on the first free end page. Without a dust jacket. The gift inscription noted above is signed by the 24 members of the "Algonuins" [Algonquin Club] to the author "who wrote this but does not own a copy." 284 pages including an index, appendix and text. Illustrated with a frontispiece portrait of James J Strang from a daguerreotype and eleven plates from photographs. The biography of James J. Strang and the eleventh work published by the Yale University Press on the Amasa Stone Mather Memorial Publication Fund.
    TB31713  $50.00

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    Russell, Henry B.:  Man Proposes A Story of Woodland Fancies.  New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1939. First Edition, First printing. Near fine in red cloth covered boards with gilt text stamping on the spine with the lower 1/2 inch of the boards faded. In a very near fine unclipped dust jacket with minor rubbing to the panels. Warmly signed by the author on the second free end page. "A story which illustrates throughout that man proposes, but God disposes." 206 pages of text. An extremely handsome copy of a very uncommon title.
    TB20158  $32.00

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    Uncle Philip [Francis Lister Hawks]:  Sunday Evenings; or, An Easy Introduction To The Reading Of The Bible Part I..  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1836. Harper's Stereotype Edition. Very good+ in slightly faded brown cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine showing it as volume 4 in the Boy's and Girl's Library. A 24mos measuring 6" by 3 1/2" with light foxing throughout and with soiling to the end sheets and to the rear board. Without a dust jacket. 199 pages of text followed by a four page ad for other books in the series. Illustrated with a frontispiece, an engraved title page an numerous engravings within the text.
    TB26262  $75.00

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    Uncle Philip [Francis Lister Hawks]:  Sunday Evenings; or, An Easy Introduction To The Reading Of The Bible Part II..  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1835. Harper's Stereotype Edition. Very good+ in slightly faded brown cloth covered boards with gilt text on the spine showing it as volume 13 in the Boy's and Girl's Library. A 24mos measuring 6" by 3 1/2" with light foxing throughout and with soiling to the end sheets and to the rear board. Without a dust jacket. 207 pages of text followed by an eight page ad for other books in the series. Illustrated with a frontispiece, an engraved title page an numerous engravings within the text.
    TB26263  $75.00

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    Williams, John Alden (Editor):  Islam.  Norwalk, Conn.: The Easton Press, (1994). Collector's Edition. Fine in full, black leather covered boards with four raised bands on the spine with gilt text and gilt decorations within the compartments and with gilt tool work on the front and rear boards. The end sheets are silk, there is a matching silk placement ribbon sewn in at the head of the spine. The edges of the text block are gilt. An octavo of 8 5/8 by 5 3/4 inches. 256 pages including an index, notes and references and text. A bright, clean and tight copy with absolutely no prior owner ship markings of any kind.
    TB29364  $50.00

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    WPA:  Directory of Churches & Religious Organizations In Maine.  Portland: Maine Historical Records Survey Project, 1940. Preliminary Edition. Near fine in heavy printed blue paper wraps with a 1/4 blue cloth binding. Without a dust jacket (probably as issued). A small quarto measuring 10 13/16" tall by 8 7/16" deep containing 166 pages including an index, text and with a list of Maine churches, their denominations and ministers in charge at the time.
    TB19364  $75.00

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    Zollikofer, G. J. [George Joachim]:  Exercises of Piety: or, Mediations On The Principal Doctrines And Duties Of Religion For The Use Of Enlightened And Virtuous Christians.  Worcester, Mass.: Isaiah Thomas, Jun., 1803. First Edition. Very good+ in light brown, full leather covered boards with gilt text on a black leather spine label and with four gilt rules on the spine. A 16mo measuring 6 5/8 by 4 1/16 inches with the leather over the heel of the spine chipped to a depth of 1/3 inch and with wear and rubbing to the leather at the tips of the boards. The joints are starting at the lower 1 1/2" of the spine. There is an early prior owner's name (Abigail Abbot) on the front paste down and the first few pages of the preliminaries have a dampness stain in the lower margins. 192 pages of text followed by an eight page subscription proposal by the publisher for another title by Zollikofer.
    TB29052  $100.00

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